How to save EML files as Adobe PDF document using WholeClear Software?

With the help of WholeClear software, it is quite simple to save EML files as PDF document format including attachments.

Go for the EML file format


Add EML files

After choosing the EML file format, here you have to pick one option from these two:

Go with the Folderoption, if you have all EML files saved in one folder. Otherwise, choose the ‘Multiple EML files’ option.

Thereafter, click on the ‘Browse’ button and add the necessary EML files to the software panel.



Choose PDF format as output file


Use Date Filter and Set Output file path

Here, you will get a ‘Date Filter’ option to filter desired emails to export to PDF file format. This option is available under the head ‘Export Form’. Apart from this, you will find the process log & error log head. In these two heads, you can check details of the migration process like the number of EML files processed under the process log head and errors that occurred under the error log head.

Then, under Naming Convention, pick the export file format.
